lunes, 25 de abril de 2016


“Wake up.” his baritone broke. “Merry Christmas.”

I didn’t need to open my eyes to know who he was.
“What are you doing here? Where’s my heart?” I asked, my eyes still closed.
“Beating in your chest.” He chuckled. “That was a nice move, you know.”
“Thank you.”
“Open your eyes. I need to talk to you.”

I was laying on my bed, cocooned between the sheets. I opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the border, his golden locks dripping wet as he always is.

“Lovely crown.” He said, pointing at my head.
“Thank you. It was a bit painful to get, but…”
“You can do pain.” He smiled.

I laid my head again on the pillow, smiling.
“Not that I don’t like your visit, but it’s usually me the one who looks for you.”
“I know.” He reached out his hand to my forehead and stroked my cheek.

He had never touched me before. I felt the sudden urge to cry.

“Am I going to die?” I asked.
“No. You’re far from it.”
“Then why are you here?”

He looked at me with his big sea eyes, the long dark blonde lashes wet and clumped together.

“You never stopped smiling.” He said. His face gleamed with a warm, pure smile, so pure it couldn’t be human. I closed my eyes as I crawled next to his legs, holding him. He held me back and I started crying quietly, the tears on my face as bright as him, shining into the dark early morning. He ran his fingers through my hair and I calmed down with the smell of his skin, fresh sea breeze.

“I miss it sometimes.” I said, deeply inhaling. “I know it’s not my place anymore, but I miss it sometimes.”
“Of course. But you’ll go back to it soon enough, and you’ll live near it.”
“How do you know?”
“That’s why I came here today.” He smiled, and I knew what he meant.
"Did she answer my prayers?” I asked.
“You answered them yourself.”
“But… you don’t know the future.”
“I know this.”

A faint smile started to form in my lips, slowly growing bigger as the faith within me grew stronger.
“Is this goodbye?” I asked, a tinge of pain amidst the happiness.
“Better will come.” He said. “Much, much better. Now close your eyes.”

I looked at him and I whispered a final “thank you”. I closed my eyes and fell asleep again, knowing it had all been a dream but at the same time it had all been real.

“Better will come”, I repeated. “Much, much better.”

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Dioses caídos

En el alféizar de mis ventanas viven dioses caídos y casi olvidados,
colosos que un día fueron y ya no son más.
¡Cómo los quería! ¡Cómo quería que me quisieran!
Cómo todos se fueron y dejaron sólo sus recuerdos detrás.

A veces me agacho a verlos, inmóviles, y los rozo con los dedos;
¿Cuál fue la magia sagrada que los animó?
Se volvieron bosque, cera derretida, casita derrumbada;
roca de risco, huellita blanca, canción de amor.

Y me doy cuenta que no son altares sino mausoleos,
las tumbas de besos, abrazos y ojos mirándome,
palabras que hicieron latir la sangre en mi corazón.

Fue mi alma lo que les dio vida, y ellos los que entraron al Hades.
Sólo verdaderos dioses podrían regresar del abismo; ellos no.
Entonces sonrío, viéndolos como los humanos que fueron y todavía son.